The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process designed for adults who, in response to God's grace, have a desire to become full members of the Catholic Church. OCIA is intended for adults who:
• Have not been baptized and wish to become part of the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Baptism.
• Have been baptized in another Christian community and seek full communion with the Catholic Church.
• Were baptized in the Catholic faith in their childhood but did not receive the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist
The OCIA process follows an ancient practice of receiving new members into the Christian community and includes various stages of prayer, discernment, and teaching of the Catholic way of life. The culmination of the process occurs at the Easter Vigil, during which those who have been preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation are baptized, confirmed, and welcomed to the Eucharistic table.
If you are not Catholic, not baptized, or need any sacraments and you have been coming to Mass for a while. We invite you to look deeper into the Catholic faith. Come meet some faithful Catholics, who love the Lord and would consider it a privilege to get to know you. Our parish will soon begin a set of sessions to share with others the truths of the Catholic faith and the fellowship of our church family. We invite you to learn what Catholics believe in an open and welcoming environment. These sessions also are opportunities for you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Church.
Sessions will begin September 9, 2024 and will meet Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm through April 2025.
Please give us a call if you have any questions or would like further information - Lupita Alvarado 3618823245 x1113 or email us at
Si no es católico, no está bautizado o necesita algún sacramento y ha estado viniendo a Misa por un tiempo. Lo invitamos a profundizarse en la fe católica. Venga a conocer a católicos fieles, que aman al Señor y considerarían un privilegio conocerte. Nuestra parroquia pronto comenzará una serie de sesiones para compartir con otros las verdades de la fe católica y el compañerismo de nuestra familia eclesial. Lo invitamos a aprender lo que creen los católicos en un ambiente abierto y acogedor. Estas sesiones también son oportunidades para que usted haga las preguntas difíciles y desconcertantes que pueda tener acerca de la Iglesia.
Las sesiones comenzarán el 9 de septiembre de 2024 y se reunirán los lunes por la noche de 6:30 a 8:00 p. m. hasta abril de 2025.
La primera sesión es el 11 de septiembre de 2023. Llámenos si tiene alguna pregunta o desea obtener más información: Lupita Alvarado 3618823245 x1113 o envíenos un correo electrónico a